Web applications often store dynamic data in folders together with the application. From WordPress to Magento, many open source apps default to intermingling the data with the application folder structure. Although this provides a simpler deployment and ease of installation for newcomers, it also provides a significant security loophole for exploit by hackers.
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Tag Archives: Software Sagacity
jVectorMap – Creating Custom JavaScript Maps
Based on the jQuery framework, jVectorMap provides a convenient top-level map plugin for websites. Although the plugin doesn’t have the full flexibility of Google Maps, it does provide a way to link countries or states to user interface actions. With a wide suite of available maps, the ready-built package can suffice for most purposes. On more advanced websites, however, it is sometimes necessary to create custom maps for additional geographic regions.
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Elements of an Enterprise-Grade Web Framework – Part 2: Existing Database Schemas
A powerful database schema is one of the key components of an enterprise application. Using the database to enforce business logic and ensure data integrity enables both flexibility and scalability in application design. By coding business logic in both the database layer and application layer, the database has the flexibility to then also be used by other applications and processes without fear of corrupting data. In addition, other systems can take advantage of stored procedures or views that make future development easier, instead of the platform lock-in created by storing all business logic in the application itself.
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